Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Saturday Garage Sale finds

As we were driving to work on Friday and we were driving past this that is en route to work and when I looked over, they were having a HUGE garage sale. I seriously considered going in late to work to go hit up this sale.  There was a ton of items that were out there and I figured that there would still be stuff out there on Saturday.  We were at the church by 7:30  on Saturday and there were at least 20 people already there.  The furniture was outside and I took a quick glance at that since I need a new bedframe but no luck in that department.  We headed inside and I went for the jewelry.  There are certain things that I hate about garage sales and that’s items that are unmarked and of course every single bit of jewelry was unmarked.  I found this gorgeous necklace and I asked how much it was and the women said five dollars, and I then put the necklace down.  This is a garage sale people! USED ITEMS! I understand that it’s going for a good cause and all, but damn, I’m poor. That’s why I’m shopping at these sales!

 I promptly removed myself from the jewelry area and proceeded to the purses and shoes.  I searched and searched through the purses and I couldn’t find anything different from what I already had except for a little Louis Vuitton wallet.  My Aunt and partner in crime were in the clothes and she called me over.  JACKPOT!  The first thing she found was some plaid pants.  She looked at the size and said it might be too big for me so I went and tried it on, and it fit!  As I was trying on clothes, she kept on looking and then she found me two black skirts, a seersucker jacket and skirt and a black and white hounds tooth jacket with a belt.  The place had tables and tables of shirts, jeans, and everything else in between.  On the tables, I didn’t find anything else for myself but I found tons of stuff for my aunt and my mom.  So when we went to check out, the guy priced everything in my hands and said twenty dollars… he didn’t include my aunt’s items.  So he started pricing her stuff and I was thinking crap, we are gonna go over our thirty dollar budget.  The guy looked at us and said twenty-five dollars for everything! SCORE!

So, we decided to hit a garage sale over by the UNTHSC and when we got there, there were cars all over.  We dropped off my mom and parked the car.  Parking was a major issue because people were going down the wrong direction in the narrow parking lot. It’s not that major people.  So there were tons of tables there and everyone operated their own table.  We walked around a little bit, people mostly had kids’ clothes and since I have none, I had no interest in it.  We found a table where the woman had everything from books to makeup. I headed towards the makeup.  I looked at all the makeup and saw nothing that I really wanted or in the color that I wanted.  What I did find was some Clinique cleaning facial products. WINNING!  The woman came up and said these magic words: “the more you buy the better deal I make.”   I ended buying most of the facial cleaning products and my aunt found me a star toothbrush holder.
We went to one last place for some last minute sales.  The Fairmount neighborhood/street was having garage sales up and down the street! YES.  We walked up and down that street and visited almost every single yard and bought something.  I found a very nice purse, some shoes with stars and some bath salts.
The morning shopping spree ended with Mexican food and beer. Good times.