Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Bourne Legacy: New Jason Bourne

The newest and biggest star for the upcoming movie "The Bourne Legacy".  Since all the previous movie franchise played by Matt Damon as Jason Bourne, those movies gained much in theathers all over the world.  

But for the next coming Bourne movie, new big star on the list who act as Jason Bourne, Jeremy Renner.  Among the list are also Joel Edgerton and Garrett Hedlund from Tron: Legacy but Universal pictures picked Renner.

Renner also into the movie The Hurt Locker.  Nominated twice for the Oscar Awards.  He also play with Tom Cruise for the coming Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol and this summer hit movie "Thor". 

Paul Greengrass, the director for the three Bourne movies announced that he leaved the Bourne franchise five years ago, Matt Damon qouted that he only work with Greeengrass.  Universal will not afford that the gaining franchise will die along with the announcement of Greengrass and Damon. 

Legacy will start filming this September and exxpected to be release this August 2012 directed by Tony Gilroy