Saturday, May 21, 2011

Raising Cain

Until someone else suits up who changes my mind, Herman Cain is my favorite...

Herman makes it official.
(Stockbridge, GA) — Business executive and conservative leader Herman Cain announced his bid for the Republican presidential nomination today at a large public rally at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, Georgia.
“After prayerful consideration with my family and closest friends, I have decided to seek the Republican nomination for President of the United States,” Cain said. “I look forward to continuing my travels across the country, engaging in discussions with the American people about the concerns facing our nation and sharing my ‘common sense solutions’ with them.”
West? Yes, but he isn't running. Bachmann? Maybe, I like her a lot. Palin? I think she will be the kingmaker rather than run, but I like her too!
I don't care what Charles says.