Monday, May 30, 2011

The Big Cut ----- 100% Natural!

Pre Hair cut
There have been some big changes going on over here in my life.  In October of 2010, I decided to go natural.  No more relaxers for me!  Now I still color my hair, I’ll never stop doing that but it’s the end of the creamy crack for me.  I must admit, I’m one of those chicks who hates short hair, so I just opted to just let it grow out and try to camouflage the new growth and the relaxed hair.  I was getting pretty good at it.  I became an expert on flat twists and Bantu knots.  On occasion, I would flat iron my hair straight and I was so proud on how long it was. 

I then noticed that the relaxed hair wouldn’t keep a curl as long as the natural hair would and it often would look like a tangled mess.   I figured I needed to make the big chop and I did! My mom, my aunt and I all went to get our hair did, and wow!  This is 7 months of new growth and I love it.  I found out last night I still can do twists and knots with my hair.  I’ve been getting so many complements on it.  I can’t stop taking pics of myself.

MakeUp is the bomb too!

I know eventually I’ll do some braids and weave, but it’s my hair and I can do what I want to it!