Monday, August 30, 2010

The End of Fabulosity?

As I was at home twittering my life away a few days ago (@lalaG) I came across something that came as quite as a shock to me. The Queen of Fabulosity, Kimora Lee Simmons is out as the CEO of Phat Fashions. Kimora posted on twitter was that she was leaving to concentrate on her other ventures in fashion. Upon doing research, there are reports that Kimora didn’t leave, she was forced out by the owners of Phat Fashions, the Kellwood Company. Why, you ask? Sources say that it was a cost cutting measure. Rumors of shoots being over budget, the cost of air brushing, body doubles and that she paid herself and her kids to appear in the Baby Phat ads. Don’t worry kids, Kimora will be ok and not going broke anytime soon, she still has her KLS collection, Kouture by Kimora, Fabulosity and her TV show, “Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane.”

Here is what Kimora had to say about her separation…

“After 14 years of conceiving and nurturing Baby Phat, it’s time for me to move on and further expand my other businesses and create a new phenomenon. I adore all those who have faithfully been with me since the beginning ... I’m forever dedicated to my family, fans and customers. My inspiration has always come from the fabulous women who have been with me through the years as we’ve grown from young party girls to power players! We’re ready for our next journey together and we’re taking a whole new generation of incredible young women with us. Girl power unite!”

Kimora, all your excess, Fabulosity, and bling, will be missed.
