Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Quintessential Woman

By Ramachandran Subramanium

You walk on the streets, or you stay at home

By any name, in any language , she is the epitome.

Look around, your eyes closed or open , anywhere

You will find her with a smile ,all warmth , ready to care.

You cannot miss her for the wood or the oven.

She is your quintessential woman.

They say there is a man in every woman ,

That’s how inclusive she is , my good old man

Most of the time she makes you wonder

How does she remain calm in so much strife and blunder

How can she pack such a punch in a body so frail

So much love in a heart every time without fail

You cannot miss her for the wood or the oven.

She is your quintessential woman.

She makes your morning tea , does your bed at night

She mothers your children and is their guiding light

She is a loving sister and dutiful wife

She makes complete every life

You cannot miss her for the wood or the oven.

She is your quintessential woman.

No ode is sufficient to extol her virtue

No sonnet is good enough to pass on her due

She will brave all odds and smile at every obstacle

She will work tirelessly and never crave to be a spectacle

You cannot miss her for the wood or the oven.

She is your quintessential woman.

A pen is mightier than the sword

A woman is stronger than a man , mark my word

A rose by any other name smells just the same

A woman in any form will always be game

For another challenge, a new responsibility

Without her , LIFE is an impossibility.

You cannot miss her for the wood or the oven.

She is your quintessential woman.