Saturday, May 8, 2010

Barney The "Frank" Tip-Toes Through The Tulips

Mr. incompetent, Barny Frank up to his usual ineptitude.
Morgen over at Verum Serum  says it well.

If any further proof is needed that Barney Frank has been completely incompetent in his oversight of the financial services industry, one need look no further than this past week. Just one day after Frank sent a memo to the White House urging the President to reject the attempt by Republicans to include GSE reform in any financial reform bill, Freddie Mac requested an additional government bailout of $10.6 billion to cover losses incurred in the first quarter. Only one day (!) after Frank defended the GSE’s, writing that “as Fannie and Freddie operate today, going forward, there is no loss”.
There is no loss.
Rep. Frank, of course, has a distinguished history of ineptitude when it comes to regulation of the housing industry, and his role in the financial market collapse. But when it comes to avoiding culpability, he is second to no one in his ability to spin a web of deceipt and reinvent history.

Until this Fannie/Freddie boondoggle is dealt with, any financial reform needs to go nowhere!
Barney had a hand in the housing meltdown, probably both hands. He is a scumbag and he needs to go, he needs to go now!