Birth place - Tampa, FL
Current living- Terre Haute, Indiana
Nickname: Belle
Age: guess
Birthday: October 22
Started bodybuilding: April 2000
Before bodybuilding she was going to college to major in Marine Biology. Outside of school she was involved in improv, had a hot rod/muscle car hobby, and she was into building/repairing computers. she tried to get involved in different activities and always kept myself busy.

Competition History-
June 7 2000 Orlando classic,
Orlando, FL
1st middleweight 119 lbs
tied overall
June 14 2000 Mid-muscle Classic
Orlando, Fl
2nd heavyweight
December 6, 2003 Excalibur
los angelas, Ca
*1st and overall heavyweight
November 19-20 2004 Nationals
dallas, tx
9th heavyweight
April 16th, 2006
Southern Usa
Pannama City, FL
1st heavyweight and overall
September 2006
IFBB North American
1st lightheavy weight
July 2008
1st heavyweight and overll
*earned pro card
Body stats
Some measurements
Back width lat spread 48
Thighs off season 28 contest 25
Biceps 16 1/2
Calves 16
Leg press 1400 lbs x 12 reps, So far
Bicep curl 75lb x 3 reps 1 arm
Tricep overhead extension 100 lb s x 10
Bench w dumbbells 110 lbs x 5 with a partner close by
Deadlifts 585 lb x 12 reps
Shrugs 125 lb with db at 10 reps
Best body part- back
Least body part- calves
Favorite exercise- chest press
Least favorite exercise –seated calf raises