Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Midweek Rule 5 Break

Break time starts early today with Tamarra Hay...

In accordance with Robert "Stacy" McCain's Rule 5...
Perhaps Wombat might even get his html corrected this week, and actually link to me. Not that I would shamelessly blogwhore!

While you are perusing, don't forget to check these other fine connoisseurs of the better gender.

The Eye has Anne Hathaway and Jayme Langford
The Pirate's If All You See
Jake Finnegan has Karen Alloy
American Power has a Classical Pianist
The Classic Liberal Defends Capitalism
Maggie has Girls With Guns
POH Diaries has Nascar's New Hottie
Proof has a Linkaround to envy.
Mr. B has a Rule 5 Saturday if you missed it.
Reaganite Republican Has Hot Romanian Chicks