Monday, March 7, 2011

Its official! Charlie Sheen…

Its official, Charlie Sheen has been fired from the show Two and a Half Men.  In a letter from the legal staff from Warner Bros. sent to Sheen’s lawyer stated that Charlie should,  "focus your energies on what no one so far has been able to do: get your client the sustained, rigorous and effective treatment he so urgently needs. It is clear that [Sheen] has no intention of agreeing to the intensive evaluation and treatment that his condition require. It is also clear he does not believe he has a problem and that he will continue to conduct himself in a destructive manner."
Of course Sheen’s lawyer, Marty Singer, said that there will be a lawsuit.
Let’s not forget that even when Sheen was arrested for felony and misdemeanor charges in the last couple of months, Warner Bros. extended Sheen’s contract and said they would support him and now….
What’s gonna happen next in the world of Charlie Sheen? I’ll be watching!