Friday, November 7, 2008

Jessica Simpson Covers Cosmopolitan

Country music's new addition Jessica Simpson covers Cosmopolitan's Decmeber issue. She basically discusses relationships, herself, Tony, you know the usual...

On being interviewed:

“I definitely know a lot more about myself from being asked questions and being forced to answer them truthfully. They make me face the reality of what people want to know. I’m see-through. And I’m the worst liar of all time.”

On marriage:

"I think any person who I'm gonna date for longer than six months, I definitely am investing in something long-term. If I get married again, then it will be the last time. Nick will always be a part of my life, but next time, I'm marrying the right one."

On Tony:

"I'd always fall for guys I wanted to save. For the first time, I fell in love with someone who saved me."