Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Cowboys Play Tonight

I am a fan.

Even of football!

I hope Tony is in as good of shape as his new bride...

Flight 93-9/11 Memorial Service

Remember The Cheers

They did not come from our friends...

Asshead Of The Year

No PG-13 headline today...
Fake heroes?

Rushed to cash in?
The only shame is a piece of fish wrap that calls itself a newspaper allows you to breath in their building...
Smitty at The Other McCain can't comment on Krugman in a family friendly way either. 
Update II
Zip has a PG-17 name for the ASS too.
Update III
Memeorandum has more reaction to the pigs ass.

Rachel Weisz

Rachel Hannah Weisz is women with outside in Beautiful. He started with Career theatrical group and also Fashion Model . He has many performance at serial television that make she be known and get many award . She is not young again but she always look beautiful and sexy . Rachel Weisz is the most beautiful women in the World .

Rachel Weisz Look so Beautiful

Rachel Weisz Hot and Sexy Pose

Rachel Weisz Glamorous Gown With Golden Color

Rachel Weisz Closed up Face

Rachel Weisz wear Black Clothes make she look so sweet

Rachel Weisz Wallpaper

Rachel Weisz Black and White Photo

Rachel Weisz is the most beautiful women in the World .

Gunwalker And A Guiding Hand

First the ATF, now the FBI.
Who is the guiding hand?

"It also confirms that the FBI was at least as culpable, and perhaps more culpable, than the ATF in the (Fast and Furious) scandal, and that there was some guiding hand above both these agencies (and the other agencies involved) coordinating the larger operation," Vanderboegh said.
This stinks, it stinks bad, it stinks of Eric Holder...
This isn't going away...
More here.
Much more here.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Promises Promises

Speaks volumes...

In 2009, President Obama promised that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act would “create or save” 3.5 million jobs over the next two years and that the unemployment rate would not rise above 8.5 percent.
We will never see 8.5 percent unemployment until Obama is long gone.
From NRO via Glen "Instapundit" Reynolds.

Remember 09/11/2001

I will always remember, I hope everyone does.

Picture swiped from Diogenes' Middle Finger

The Good… and Bad Movies of Summer 2011

This summer’s selection of movies has been pretty damn awesome.  There were movies that I did not expect to be so great and others were a pile of disappointment.    There were also a lot of movies that had great potential to become even better with the sequels.
There is a tie for the most awesomeness movie of this summer.  You can’t even compare the two. It’s like comparing apples and oranges…
      X-Men: First Class- ok I had no idea on how awesome this movie would be.  When I saw the preview a few months back, the greatness that is Kevin Bacon was in the movie.  I had no clue.  Kevin Bacon is one of the greatest character actors in movie history. Very underrated.  For a prequel, it was amazing and well done.  Sometimes with action movies, you can get over acting and for me there wasn’t much of it.  Kevin Bacon was just being his awesome self.

Bridesmaids- OMG I didn’t think I was gonna laugh this hard at a movie. It was raunchy, but not overly raunchy like some men’s comedies can be.  A nice raunchy comedy for the ladies.  I was already a huge Kristen Wiig fan, this cemented it.  It was a well picked supporting cast that helped the movie along.  Well written and I enjoyed it.  I wish and hope that more women’s comedies are like this.
Captain America- for the first movie in a series, it’s actually really good.  We have seen Chris Evans as a superhero before in the Fantastic Four movies but as Captain America, he embodies the character he becomes. Captain America tells a lot of backstory but it’s well paced and very understandable.  Also there is the bomb ass preview of the Avengers at the end. That makes any movie ten times better.

     Thor- Another movie that had to be made before the release of the Avengers in 2012.  Thor could have been so much better but it wasn’t the worst movie that I saw all summer.  For an introductory film, it was ok.  For me with these types of movies, you need a great villain and in this installment there wasn’t enough.  Kenneth Branagh did one heck of a job directing his first action flick though…

    Green Lantern- Ryan Reynolds, you are one fine ass man. I must admit, that was the main reason that I went to watch was he was going to be wearing next to nothing in most of the film, but Ryan has so much charm and I wish they would have done more. Angela Bassett was underused in this and not enough villain in this for me. Now if you did see this movie and saw the end, you also see the potential for greatness that could happen in the next movie.
      Cowboys and Aliens- it wasn’t as bad as everyone made it out to be.  It’s a western about cowboys and aliens, how believable are that supposed to be?  Any whoo… Daniel Craig is a fox in this movie.

Transformers: The Dark Side of the Moon- I still don’t know how I feel about this movie. I don’t know if it’s really bad or that it’s so good that I can’t even wrap my head around the awesomeness of the film.  It was bloated and too long but it had some great action scenes in it though. 

I hope that next year's selections will be a just a bit better.  And these are the ones that i saw, im sure there were better that i missed

Government Funded PBS Hides Obama Gaffe

PBS just deletes entire gaffe in its transcript.
Bill Moyers is a transcriber?

The media would have had a field day if this was Bush.
I should be use to this crap after all these years, but it still just p@*&%$ me off!

Spammer In Chief?


I think the message was heard, it just wasn't received very well...

Dow Jones Industrial Average Index 10,992.13 -303.68 -2.69%
S&P 500 INDEX 1,154.23 -31.67 -2.67%
NASDAQ Composite Index 2,467.99 -61.15 -2.42%

The Weeks Top Referrers (FMJRA)

The top ten who for whatever reason send their readers here...

The Other McCain
The Classic Liberal
Proof Positive
American Power
Maggies Notebook
Adrienne's Corner
Eye Of Polyphemus
Reaganite Republican
Say Anything

Thank you all!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Ali Lohan and her “growth spurt”

The interwebs are all a buzz over the new pics of Ali Lohan (Lindsay Lohan’s younger sister.)  Apparently Ali has experienced a growth spurt and looks dramatically different from before.  We should also add that Ali is only 17 years old and is now working for Next Model Management Company.

"As a young girl who is growing up, it's natural for her facial features to change slightly, and we see this with many of the younger models we represent," says Alexis Borges, agency director of Next Model Management L.A. "Aliana is a beautiful 17 year old girl who is growing into her face and body, as is the norm for someone of her age."
There is no “slight” change in Ali’s face.  She might not have had plastic surgery, but she is very thin which would explain the gaunt looks in her face.

Here is a burger…

Ashley Tisdale

Ashley Michelle Tisdale (born July 2, 1985) is an American actress and singer who rose to prominence portraying the candy-counter girl Maddie Fitzpatrick in Disney Channel's The Suite Life of Zack & Cody and the female antagonist Sharpay Evans in the High School Musical film series. The High School Musical series became a successful franchise which included two television films, a feature movie, a spin-off and numerous soundtrack albums. The popularity earned by Tisdale in High School Musical led her to sign a solo record deal with Warner Bros. Records in 2006. Her debut album Headstrong, was released in February 2007, and debuted at number five in the U.S. chart and sold 64,000 copies in the first week.

Tisdale owns a production company and has worked as an executive producer in movies which included the ABC Family television film Picture This. Tisdale has a prominent voice role as Candace Flynn in Disney Channel's Phineas & Ferb, a cartoon which became television's most-watched animated series among kids and tweens and had been met with acclaim by critics. In 2009, she was cast in her first major broadcast role in The CW's television series Hellcats as Savannah Monroe, an intense and very religious cheerleader.

A High School Musical spin-off entitled Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure, released directly in DVD, featured Tisdale reprising her role as Sharpay Evans and also serving as the executive producer. The Disney Channel Original Movie captured 5 million viewers on its premiere night on Disney Channel. Tisdale voiced Candance Flynn in the 2011's Phineas and Ferb movie that premiered on Disney Channel with 7.6 million viewers on its debut night.

Ashley Tisdale Best Pose

Ashley Tisdale Poster

Ashley Tisdale Long Harstyle

Ashley Tisdale Beautiful Eyes

Friday Nite Funnies

Picture Of The Week (maybe best ever)

Heisted from Grandpa John's

$500 Million In Corruption

Something stinks...

(ABC News) — Officials from the Department of Energy have for months been sitting in on board meetings as “observers” at Solyndra, getting an up-close view as the solar energy company careened towards bankruptcy after spending more than $500 million in federal loan money.
$100,000.00 + in donations and 20+ White House visits?

Friday Nite Funnies (morning edition)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Picture Of The Day


Congressional Scorecard

Zero is not winning...

Any questions?

Thursday Nite Tart

Ashley Gellar tarts it up this week...

Rule 5

While I Was Sleeping

The cost of the plan jumped a $100 billion...

(CBS News)On Wednesday, CBS News learned that the president’s jobs and growth package now could top $400 billion. That’s a big number, and CBS News correspondent Norah O’Donnell reports that the size of this plan has grown over recent days.
Good grief...

The Most Pathetic Woman On Earth

I use the term woman lightly...

(Politico) — In advance of the president’s speech to a joint session of Congress tonight, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), fresh of the CBC’s national jobs tour, is demanding that Obama make clear what he’s going to do to help communities suffering through the worst of a bad economy. In very clear terms, she challenges the president to spend as much energy working to create jobs in the black community as he is campaigning for votes in one of the whitest states in the nation. Here are excerpts from Waters’s statement, which will be released widely later today:
“If the unemployment rates in the African American Community continue to climb, like they did in August by almost a full percentage point, those African American voters who came out to the polls for the first time in 2008 but who have since lost their home and/or their job, may not return to the polls. Therefore, targeting public policy to a community who accounted for 13 percent of the electorate in ’08, and who is now experiencing the culmination of a decade of economic crisis, is not just good policy, but good politics,” Waters says, “There are roughly three million African Americans out of work today, a number nearly equal to the entire population of Iowa. I would suggest that if the entire population of Iowa, a key state on the electoral map and a place that served as a stop on the president’s jobs bus tour were unemployed, they would be mentioned in the president’s speech and be the beneficiary of targeted public policy. So, one question to be answered this evening is, are the unemployed in the African American community, including almost 45 percent of its youth, as important as the people of Iowa?”
H/T Weasel Zippers

Job Claims Rise Unexpectedly (again!)


Its a good thing Barry has a plan...

Government Spending Doesn't Create Jobs

Now if some in Washington would pay attention...

H/T American Power

Warm Up Act

The best line I have heard in a while...

“It’s been a dramatic fall for a man who was, his supporters assured us in 2008, America’s best orator since Abraham Lincoln. Now he’s reduced to a warm-up act for a football game.”

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cognac Diamond Ring Warm

More Proof Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder

Special Ed, another dose of insanity...

Midweek Rule 5 Break

Its that time of the week for a break with Ali Sonoma...

And be sure to check these other Rule 5 posts while you are perusing...

If All You See
DaleyGator Daley Babe
Kelly Brook and Mila Kunis
Hot Romanian Chicks
An Ass Like This
Rule 5 This Afternoon
Lucy Pinder
Afternoon Rule 5
Short Skirts, No Undies
Burkalesque Babe Bar Refaeli
Rule 5 Roundup Of The Week

Liar In Chief (still a liar) Lies Again

The Washington Post calls him on it too!

“Obama’s claim of having passed the ‘biggest middle-class tax cut in history’ is ridiculous.”
The president’s Labor Day speech in Detroit featured an assertion that contained a number of warning signs that it might be an errant fact: “biggest middle-class tax cut in history.” …
We took an informal survey in our office and asked people what they thought the president’s statement meant. Everyone agreed he was claiming the biggest tax cut in terms of dollars.
Imagine our surprise when the White House responded that he wasn’t talking about dollars at all.
Barry's nose should  be a mile long by now.

Obama To Play To Not Quite A Full House

Its no surprise since he only plays with  half a deck...

When President Obama delivers his address on a new job-creation plan to a joint session of Congress on Thursday, he won't be speaking to a sold-out crowd. Several lawmakers are still determining whether it is worth their time to stay in Washington to hear the president, and some are already planning to skip it.
I hope a few more SOB'S ditch this jobs campaign speech!
Joint sessions of Congress are not meant for this garbage. Any wonder why the folks have such a low opinion of our Government?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Oliver James 2011

Oliver James looks so handsome in every his roles in the American films. Oliver James is an English musician, singer, songwriter and actor. he was born 1 June 1980. he success in film and singer.. very great men's...well, oliver smart playing this post we can look handsomeness Oliver James Pictures... 

Best Pose Oliver James 

Unique Hair Style from Oliver James

Oliver James Wallpaper

Oliver James Wear Black Jacket

Oliver James Sexy Body